They're like candy. Only better. They're sweet and exceptionally satisfying. So far, I'm pulling them out of the ground and eating them fresh, but they'd also be delicious sauteed with squash and carmelized, maybe using a bit o' that rich, dark honey... Carrots come in more colors than I ever knew about growing up, from various shades of purple, yellow and orange, to white. We planted orange.
Had I thought about it early on, there are a few things I might have changed, but I fully acknowledge this was an experimental year.
1) I'd have staggered plantings so we had the same vegetable ripening at different times.
2) I'd have
3) I'd like to experiment with growing other vegetables (and plant more variety).
A slight breeze and a tad bit lower temperature tonight makes everything a bit more bearable. I know I'd really like the heat if I didn't ever have to get into my car (although a/c is absolutely brilliant), and if I could cool down the key rooms where I need to spend some time. And if my rain barrels still had water in them. I'm easy to please - really.
Carrots are still sitting on the back porch. I like them straight out of the ground with the excess dirt wiped off, but to take to work for lunch, it's probably better to give them a bit of a wash. How nice to have home-grown treats to look forward to in the office. Yum!
(Photos: yummy fresh picked carrots; zucchini and flowers)
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