Saturday was Ballard's first-ever Edible Garden Tour, and what a perfectly sunny day it was! Could not have asked for better weather...
While I'd secretly hoped for an endless stream of visitors to show off our hard work (might not have been ideal for the garden, however), a respectable and continuous flow of garden tourists stopped by to look, ask questions, and enjoy our collective accomplishment. New projects were begun, friends came by to see what we've been working on, and ample food & beverages were consumed. Hearing oohs, aahs, and favorable comments was a nice acknowledgment.
Perhaps now that the tour has passed, the energy spent to beautify the yard can again be focused more on the food growing in our gardens. But I do think during this mad dash to the finish, our little garden community has flourished.
(Photos: Shiv, watering, first thing a.m.; new projects - Christopher & Andy; Forrest's new greenhouse [and Kasey's fort until next year]; Yukko talking with a visitor about Thai basil; bbq [Jen, Chris, Joyce, Andy]; Forrest sits)
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