We've been here before. We've pulled up sod, planted shrubs, flowers, groundcover and herbs, and delineated beds with stones. And now we're doing it all over again. Same places, new growth. We have new holly, ivy, hawthorne, nightshade and morning glory.
Here's what I want to know. Is it ever really manageable?
What we call our northwest corner is actually located in the southwest, but we planted it with northwest natives. And now in addition to the ferns, bleeding hearts, and cedar, we have excessive amounts of money plant, dandelion, grasses and various other "weeds." The grass is insatiable!
On the upside, it looks like we'll have some blueberries this year, and the raspberries are unstoppable. The peas, lettuces, kale, chard and mustard are getting bigger and better by the hour. We're all sharing the wealth. And fellow gardeners are helping with some of the overall yard maintenance. It's nice to have help.
I'm not sure how many days we've been without rain now, but I think it must be a May/June record for Seattle. The garden could use some. The rain barrels are about dry. Maybe we can all do a rain dance?
(Photo: just one of many overgrown sections of the yard - poppies, weeds, grass fronds... the list goes on)
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