We've worked three solid days to get the garden "public ready" for next
On Friday, it rained. The timing couldn't have been better. We had a photographer here from The Seattle Times, shooting for a piece that will run in an August (date unspecified) Pacific Magazine about Seattle's sustainable communities and community gardens. He was here barely five minutes before the skies opened and we had our first downpour in 30+ days (although I'm told it rained hard during the night, but I didn't hear a thing). Jennifer, Christopher, Andy & Yuko were here to help and for the shoot. Shiv stopped by to share some gardening wisdom (and some early zucchini).
On Saturday, we had a garden work party, and in addition to garden partners, Sara, Tim, Joyce & Greg came to offer a hand. We were able to get a good portion of the wood chips spread, weeds pulled, sod removed and a garden compost started. Good food followed, including some ice cream with freshly picked strawberries.
Today, Sunday and the summer solstice, Forrest and I finished spread most of the remaining wood chips in the side yard around the garden and back areas; we bought a few more plants, made a rock path, created several trellises, and put in some solar lights. Seemed a fitting way to spend the longest day of the year. We also drove by a couple of places we'd heard about - a swale someone had created on their parking strip, and a fabulous parking strip garden with triple-bin composting. Ideas!
This next week, some clean up, general weeding, more chip spreading (under the corkscrew willow and along the front south path) and a bit more planting and we'll be ready for Saturday's show. It's exciting to be able to share this with so many - I couldn't have imagined it looking better than it does. And there's so much to eat!
(Photos: Friday - Jennifer spreading wood chips; Yuko, Christopher & Andy [and Seattle Times photographer]; Saturday - Forrest & Greg; Sunday - grape path; garden view
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