With bones and blood firmly entrenched in the Northwest, and ancestry rooted in cold, northern climes (England, Sweden & Ukraine), you'd think I'd miss our dreary wet skies, typical for this time of year. I don't. I'm quite happy with our record-breaking May / June sunshine.
Except the garden (and my allergic nose) is in dire need of rain. The rain barrels are empty. I dislike watering at this time of year as a matter of principle. It's one of those, "shouldn't be's." Yet water we must.
A colleague and I were caffeinating ourselves at Sunset Hill's new Picolino's this morning, and got talking about water. And the very real possibility that in our lifetime, we'll see wars break out over water. I'm always baffled when I learn of people moving to Arizona, or Las Vegas, or ... dare I say it, Texas. With water shortages springing up (no pun intended) even in some of the country's wettest areas, just what are they thinking?
Meanwhile, the heat is divine, and some of our unhappier plants are showing greater signs of life - the mimosa, the jasmine...
Rain is finally predicted for Saturday (of course on the weekend, when we could have got more work done). And while you'll rarely catch me saying, "Rain, please," I'm looking forward to a drippy gray sky. But for no more than just a few days!
(Photo: Garden collaborator Andy, getting the last drops from a rain barrel)
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