As a coach, I see my clients as whole, complete, creative, and resourceful, and in 'new thought' spiritual teachings, we're all perfect as we are. What we consider "imperfections" are those unique character traits that make us different and special.
So--what if we just need fine tuning?
Honestly, there's nothing wrong with us. Not really. We're human, and we're all different.
That doesn't mean we can't improve or develop skills, become better versions of ourselves, that we don't have more to learn, or explore whatever we're intrigued by. But that's not us.
We may see others as having something wrong with them, because they think differently, do differently, or believe differently than we do. But that doesn't mean it's true. And it doesn't mean they need improving, no matter how much we disagree with them.
Bones break (those can be fixed...). Parts of us break down. Sometimes we say "I'm broken" to emphasize a point. Our hearts break, our spirit breaks. But most of us aren't actually broken. Being in pain isn't broken; it's a very real and important part of living. There's always possibility for something to be different, even when it feels impossible and we can't see it. We may have a belief to let go of or an old story still dictating our behaviors, but to shift these, we reprogram, unlearn, or create, not fix.
Maybe it's years of being advertised to that's turned me off to the word improved, with the endless introduction of new and improved versions of almost anything on our large and small screens, on supermarket shelves, and in our online shopping carts. Or maybe it's the underlying message that if you're working to improve yourself, you're not good enough as you are.
And telling ourselves that we do, reinforced by the words self-improvement, isn't very helpful, whether it comes from inside our heads as self-talk or from somewhere else.
We may have a few cracks, perhaps, like Japanese pottery. If that's the case, let's add some figurative gold filigree, and be a different, more complex version of ourselves. Let it change us in ways that embolden us and make us even more unique. Perfect as it was; perfect as it is. Who says a perceived imperfection isn't really perfect? It's all perception, right?
Who defines perfect in your world?
As Leonard Cohen sang, the cracks are where the light shines through. We need those cracks, those things that set us apart from anyone else. Those cracks are like our emotional fingerprints, and they make us interesting.
I, for one, am sick of "improving" myself, something I spent my younger years doing because I never felt good enough; I often felt less than. We all have "stuff" we can work on. But improvement is a self-defeating concept. Embrace your idiosyncrasies, gain mastery over those things you're passionate about, and shed the old crap that holds you back. That's not "improvement" unless you want to define it that way. But I think there's a better description. The need to improve feels like we're motivated by something outside of us, like something we should do, not something we do because we want to-- something that comes from within.
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Ancient Gravenstein, continually evolving to be more of what it's meant to be. |
As we step more firmly into our own shoes (in my case, some might say many pairs.... but that's an aside), love--and like--yourself as you are. That doesn't mean you won't have things you want to change. But become that "more of" version. Evolve your language and use words that make you feel good. Continually fine tune, grow, and adapt. This is what makes life's challenges, hurdles, and joys far more fascinating and easier to maneuver.
How much more can we give the world if we feel good about who we already are? How much more exciting is it to focus on something we want to do, explore, or learn, rather than doing something to improve ourselves?
Let's be part of that shifting conversation.
Thank You Laura, I Resonate with you 100% :-) Based on my life experience with taking every program under the sun to "Refine" and "Re-Define" myself. I too have come to this deep, profound understanding and It took a crisis in my life to finally get me to accept life on life's terms. What if there is nothing to Fix ? I just asked myself that yesterday!! and then I read your Blog :-) I believe it is part of human nature to Refine ourselves and all my studies had value...
ReplyDeleteOn another note.. Societies pressures keep us addicted to Change and Improving ourselves, never allowing satisfaction or appreciation for our natural, unique gifts to follow a more organic approach to ourselves that can be far more fulfilling.
We were created to Explore our individual uniqueness... and to share & celebrate this with one another. Too often the media throws "Spins" on what is acceptable etc., and we are being affected subliminally.. The Course of Miracles and so many other "Conscious Thought Movements" share that the reality is "We are Perfect as we are" because we are all part of the whole of Creation., (shared consciousness if you will).. We each contribute our part, our role to the Grand Mosaic.. We may have a "Winning Smile", or the "Kindest Heart"... Or be great with numbers! etc., I took a Time-Out from my fast track corporate world and pondered what my natural gifts were.. Over time I transitioned into an arena of people and work that supported my Flame.. I haven't supported myself financially 100% this way "Yet" but my life is 100 times richer, fulfilling and a million more opportunities and doors have opened that are supporting me toward that goal.. I had to Discern what was truly supportive to my mental, emotional, physical and spiritual health and learn to Balance that understanding with my goals..
Society feeds on fear and lack, Spirit Feeds on Abundance in our resource within.. Ashleigh :-)
We are often on parallel paths, my friend. You are amazing, and have been through so much, only to come out on the other side more powerful, more aware, more phenomenal in every way. You are correct; so much feeds on fear and our feelings of lack. The message is always to conform, be like everyone else (in our own unique ways), etc. I'm so done with all that. Sounds like you're standing in your awesomeness now. Can't wait to catch up and hear more.
DeleteThanks Laura... Funny after having exchanges with you here on your Blogg... I am listening to Abraham Hicks and its mentioned that "We are CREATING Ourselves" not "Creating the Money" I used to always be in the flow with that in the past.. I need to focus on the vibration & feeling and the emotion of my Awesomeness... like you said!! :-) Thanks!!