Thursday, October 11, 2012

In full swing

"Change is coming!" "I'm ready for change."

I have written these words countless times on this blog but now it feels like the changes I / we have worked to create are in full swing. I have started my coach training program (so I will write more about what I'm learning and discovering there as I go along), and Forrest just landed his first on-ship gig. We're still waiting for details in terms of when he ships out and how long he'll be away, but these two things - his work and my training - really put the plans in motion for both of us. It's taken a long time to get here, but I believe we've built a strong foundation that supports all the changes - now and those still to come. 

I'm both excited and terrified. There are so many unknowns, but I feel more in charge. Like I'm both creating and we are co-creating my and our future. This is so different than anything I experienced in earlier years. Some of the fear is about what can happen to ships in foreign waters, but for now, I'm going to trust that all will be well and that we have worked for - and deserve - the life we're consciously creating.

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