Tuesday, July 7, 2009


AP - on my electric and utility bills, AP stands for Andrew Peter, my great-grandfather and the second owner of the house I currently reside in. My Seattle City Light and Seattle Public Utility bills still come in his name.

I'm noting this because I recently started a new job, and Forrest and I have to show in some "official" way that we're domestic partners if he is to be covered on my new health insurance plan. Trouble is, while we've shared our residence for over 11 years, we have little to document this. We've kept just about everything separate (fewer things to argue over!).

The city would probably frown on our irresponsibility. But as long as the bills are paid, it doesn't seem to matter who writes the checks. I've been signing my name since we moved here in '99, and it hasn't come up.

Apparently, however, there is a fee for changing the service - must just be an administrative function, as I can't think of any other need for it. My mom declared this change a waste of time and money for her, since the only change for her would be the middle initial, to AM, and she lived here for nearly 30 years. For me, personally, I just haven't gotten around to doing it ... there are always other, more important things to do. And if the question did come up, I think my uncle's middle initial is P, and he is a co-owner... Regardless, the city departments still get paid - even occasionally in person at the local little City Hall. Never has anyone mentioned that the name on the bill is different than the name on the check.

So, AP it is, for now. About that domestic partner piece... well, I've named Forrest as my designate on my Durable Power of Attorney for Healthcare (just in case...), and that apparently counts.


  1. ...I don't think I even know my great grandfather's name. Either of them.

  2. I can show you where mine are buried - both AP Soderlund and Jacob Mason (Crown Hill Cemetery)! My dad's side, though is a different story - one of them would have died in Ukraine - the other, no earthly idea.
