Monday, June 15, 2009

A natural progression

After many hours of work and help from Jennifer (gardener profiles coming soon!), the squash bed is ready, cucumbers and basil are in, and the strawberries are happily watered and covered in new mulch. We learned that cucumbers should be planted about a foot apart and will climb if given a trellis. We added greens to our pasta and had fresh strawberries for dessert (on ice cream... mixed in with a bit of balsamic...!).

Herbs are all going gangbusters. The mints and lemon balm are truly prolific, as is the oregano in the front beds. If you plant these at home, make sure you give them room to wander, or contain them well!

The grape vines are spreading further and wider every day, and tiny little dots are forming on the vines.

We've had no rain for 26 days now. Gray sky for much of today, but no rain. The forecast now says Wednesday.

Forrest and I today acknowledged that this year is, indeed, a learning process. How much to plant, where to plant it and how plants work together. We have more mustard than we can possibly use, plenty of lettuce, and soon, peas. My tomatillos (ground cherries!) look promising. The tomato plants reach further upward every day, and I see the shapes of tomatoes to come. Caprese' salads for weeks on end! Does anyone know if homemade salsa can be frozen? A bumper crop of raspberries is anticipated.

Next up is laying down the truckload of wood chips from TreeMendous. They'll be placed between the beds, and hopefully in a whole host of other places, too. Hoping for a lot more - we've promised signage opportunities during the Edible Garden Tour in exchange.

Just two weeks till the garden tour, and much to do between now and then. Forrest and I think a volunteer work party might just be the thing - and a barbeque to celebrate the hard work. More on that to come, and photos, too (sorry no current photos; camera still broken, not replaced, and my computer won't read Forrest's card... )

(Photo: Shiv's gloves)

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