Saturday, July 27, 2019

Mindfulness moment

Beautiful British Columbia
We all need to disconnect now and then... from our jobs, our computers, our mobile devices. Many of us sit too much and spend too much time staring at small screens, and much of that time is spent consuming media, not creating. 

Our physical, mental, emotional, and spiritual well-being requires that we take time out. Time out spurs creativity and ingenuity, and is proven to lower our stress levels. 

Even though I practice various forms of self-care, I'm not always great about taking time away from the day-to-day, and I'm especially not good at disconnecting. But Forrest insisted I take time off, and he was right. I needed it. And oh-my-gosh was it pretty! If it weren't for the mosquitoes, I'd have stayed an entire week at this place. 

But because I can't, I captured a couple of moments to revisit when I need to stop, breathe, and decompress in a hurry. The creek was so loud, the fire is inaudible, and the rushing water is more reminiscent of white noisebut white noise has its benefits, too.  

Here you go:  

(Apologies to those who receive this by email; the video images above aren't visible and I don't know why... )

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