Yesterday, Shiv pointed at the shoots coming up in his parking strip plot - he has several spaces between his yard and ours - and exclaimed, "Enough for all of us!"
I wasn't sure how he'd feel about sharing the land with other gardeners - he'd happily take over the entire yard, and recently asked for more space. He and his brother-in-law, a recent immigrant from India, wanted to plant more. But I told him that Forrest and I intended to plant this year, and I hoped to include others. We've shared the space before - our friends Anthony and Helen had a fabulous garden next to Shiv's for a few years, but they moved to Santiago early in 2008. I liked that feeling of community that came with a number of others involved, and wanted to recreate that.
He seems to have caught the spirit. The new rows of cauliflower do, indeed, look like enough for all of us, and the giant grin on the old man's face said he likes our new community garden.
(Photo: neighbors Caden & Shiv, summer, 2007)
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