Here are a few resources for those of us relatively new to growing things.
What to Plant and How
Mother Earth News - Organic Gardening (What to Plant Now, Pacific Northwest)
Sunset Magazine: Plant an Edible Backyard and NW April Checklist (what to do in your yard); there are a lot of other resources here, from how to grow the perfect tomato and how to grow vegetables, to how to start seeds indoors - check out Veggies 101
Plant Sales
Seattle Tilth's Edible Plant Sale, May 2 & 3, 2009 - Meridian Park in Wallingford
King County Master Gardener Foundation Plant Sale, May 2 & 3 - Center for Urban Horticulture
Farmers Markets - look for plant starts at your neighborhood farmers market
PCC - carries Rent's Due Ranch plant starts
Additional Information
Finding a good, trustworthy seed source is worth its weight. Check out Seed Savers Exchange for heirloom and organic seeds. My grandfather saved his tomato seeds from year to year - sure wish I had some now!
Sustainable Ballard has a lot going on, from a monthly Urban Crop Circle gathering to learn to grow food, to a pending garden tour. Stay tuned!
Also thanks to Sunset's April issue, I just found Willi Galloway's blog, DigginFood. Lots of helpful information here!
(Photo: Shiv's cauliflower)
a great book: Gaia's garden by Toby Hemenway......a guide to home scale permaculture. especially good for the pacific northwest climate. minimize irrigation, pest infestations and weeding. work w/ nature instead of against it. happy gardening.