I've had a few dark days lately.
As winter hopefully comes to its dramatic end (snow on leap day!), glimpses of possibility made themselves visible. Today, during a challenging meditation and call out to guardian angels and spirit guides (just in case), a couple of insights presented themselves.
At last. Bright light - inspiring, actionable.
The lethargy lifts. I suddenly have more insight into what I should be, could be, doing for work. And how everything ties together - my dreams, my goals, my skills, background, interests and passions. It just might be the most clarity I've had yet. While not the first time I've experienced profound insights (although I'm not quite sure I'd call this batch profound, but certainly enlightening and helpful), I finally feel like the pieces of a seemingly endless puzzle are coming together to create something whole. The proverbial big picture.
I'm not sure I'd say it's my life's work, or my calling, but I'm ready to explore. Maybe yes. Maybe no. But I'm willing to take some risks, put myself out there, try a few things, and see what happens. 2012 should be a good year - certainly an experimental, interesting one. I'll write more as I follow my new-found path and work to make things happen.
Practice makes better...